
Galactic Empire Insurance

Interruption of operations

If you know the risks, you can better protect yourself and insure yourself

Damage, such as a major fire or flood, can completely or partially paralyze a company. In the worst case, this can endanger the company's existence. How can you protect and insure your company?
After damage, production is completely or partially halted for an indefinite period of time. This means that the income is lost. Although variable costs, for example for goods or energy, are also decreasing, fixed costs such as rents, mortgage interest or wages are still incurred. Sooner or later, this calculation will not work out. That's why it makes sense to analyze the risks of business interruption and prepare for critical situations. Sooner rather than later.

Neutral outside view

Mobiliar offers corporate customers an in-depth business interruption analysis. The independent SGF experts will seek answers to these important questions with you, in personal conversations and directly on site:
  • What are the dangers, what could trigger major damage?
  • Which areas would be affected, which processes would be affected?
  • How bad would the disruption be, how long would the outage last?
  • What could you do to mitigate the damage?
  • How much would this mitigation cost you?
  • How would your competitors and your customers behave?

Informed decision-making

We record all results, the biggest risks and the possible financial consequences in a detailed report. This gives you a basis for your risk management (prevention, loss reduction, insurance). With our in-depth analysis, you can answer the two crucial questions and make an informed decision:
  • How can you preventively minimize the potential for damage?
  • How much insurance cover do you need?